Dr. Ayfer Aydın

Home Treatment of varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins

What are varicose veins, what are the signs of varicose veins and what is the treatment?

In general, both men and women over 50 can develop varicose veins due to a vein problem. More than 10 million patients with varicose veins Although no exact number is estimated in Turkey.

Varicose veins in women are more common than varicose veins in men due to estrogen hormones.

Although a circulatory problem is primarily a health problem; It often appears as a cosmetic problem.

Aesthetically, many women with varicose veins feel uncomfortable.

In any case, varicose veins are a condition that affects the quality of life and whose treatment is correct for both health and cosmetic reasons !! Now we get to know the heir better.


Varicose veins are defined as the enlargement of the veins.

The heart sends some blood to the arteries and tissues with each beat to meet the needs of the body. This clean blood supplies the cells with the necessary oxygen and nutrients and collects the residues formed in the environment. This dirty blood is returned to the heart through veins.

Varicose veins are defined as the enlargement of the veins in the leg. This is mainly due to valve regurgitation in the veins. The dirty blood that needs to be cleaned cannot travel sufficiently to the heart and causes varicose veins, or venous insufficiency, by pooling in the veins.

The non-oxygenated blood tissue that has accumulated in the varicose veins would cause pain in the legs and non-healing wounds in those areas. Much more important; It can cause fatal problems such as clotting in the deep veins and subsequent clotting in the lungs due to varicose veins.

Varicose Veins In addition to these important health issues, there may also be cosmetic issues such as blue-purple veins on the legs and darkening in color.

Therefore, varicose veins should not be neglected and treated by qualified and experienced medical specialists in the centers where the best varicose vein treatment is carried out.


-Wantling sheep


-Professional groups who work long hours.

-Sit long, motionlessness

-Be Female-Through the Estrogen Hormones

-Antı baby pills

– wear tight clothing



-Genetic factors

What causes varicose veins?

Varicose veins are mainly caused by the inadequacy of the venous valve. The veins in our legs are the veins that carry dirty blood to the lungs and heart to cleanse it in the opposite direction of gravity. There are lids in these veins to facilitate upward flow and prevent blood from pooling downward. When these valves are damaged, the blood begins to leak backwards using gravity to create downward pressure and gradually dirty blood that cannot be cleaned builds up here and varicose veins form. This impure blood, which cannot be oxygenated, begins to cause symptoms.

Main signs of varicose veins:

– Expansion and swelling in the veins

– Pain that increases especially when standing
– Sensation of restlessness in the legs
–Quick fatigue and leg pain

– swelling and numbness in the legs
– leg cramps
– itching in the legs

– Discoloration on the legs

-In advanced stages, non-healing ulcers, which we call atonic wounds, can develop in the tissues in the legs that are not oxygenated and not properly supplied with blood.

-Cosmetic problems; due to varicose veins on the legs; especially with the fear of being liked by women; Not being able to wear skirts, being uncomfortable with wearing a bathing suit and going out in public in the summer months, not being liked by the opposite sex and thereby causing problems such as impairment of sex life.


There are 3 different types of varicose veins.

– Large varicose veins: their diameters vary between 4 and 15 mm and protrude from the skin.

– Medium-sized varicose veins: protruding slightly from the skin, diameters vary between 2-4 mm

– Capillary veins: These are red-violet colored varicose veins that do not protrude from the skin and have a diameter of less than 1 to 2 mm.


Depending on the patient’s complaints and wishes and the degree of the disease, there are 4 different treatment levels:

1-varicose stockings; Put on pressure socks or elastic bandages

2-Treatment of varicose veins with sclerotherapy – treatment of mild to moderate varicose veins with injection of sclerosant into the varicose vein.

3 laser treatment

4-Surgical removal of advanced varicose veins.

Why should varicose veins be treated?

Non-oxygenated blood collects in the varicose veins.

In other words, uncleaned dirty blood builds up in the tissues.

This situation causes severe pain in seizures and ulcers that do not heal.

So varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem. It is an important health problem and it will be very right to be treated.

A large number of people are psychologically affected by varicose veins. Especially in women with varicose veins in their legs; For fear of aversion, without a swimsuit or without any negative impact on sex life.

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